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Research lines

The present main rearch lines tackle modelling and numerical simulation (using FVM and FEM free source and proprietary software) of different heat transfer problems in various industrial processes, as well as derivation of Reduced Order Models (ROM) to obtain real-time predictions. Examples of the modeled industrial processes are:

    Steel products heating in industrial furnaces

    Industrial drying of resin-impregnated paper layers

    Multiphase flow analysis in quenching by submerging

    Controlled air-cooling of steel products

    Excimer laser treatment of semiconducting materials

    Micro-heat exchangers. Heat transfer analysis and flow mixing enhancement in laminar flows

    High Order Singular Value Decomposition (HOSVD) for real-time resolution and process control

    Derivative Free Optimization (DFO) for process and materials parameters identification

The research laboratory offers the possibility of perfoming experimental analysis of quenching by submerging processes with different liquids according to ISO 9950:1995, ASTM D 6200-01 and ASTM D 6482-99 norms. Special probes can also be manufactured and tested.

Department of Mechanical, Thermal and Fluids Engineering | Campus universitario | C.P. 36310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tel: +34 986 812 219